Federal Skilled Trade Program

Top Informative Facts about Federal Skilled Trade Program in Canada

Do you want to apply for the Federal Skilled Trade Program in Canada? If you are a skilled immigrant with appropriate years of experience in the trade, you might be eligible to apply to the Federal Skilled Trade Program in Canada.

The entire application process can be lengthy and confusing. Instead, you can check out our services at Nordstrat Immigration Solutions Inc. We offer quality immigration assistance to our clients over the years to get permanent status in Canada. But, before you proceed with the process, here are some details of the same:

About Federal Skilled Trade Program in Canada

Federal Skilled Trade Program in Canada refers to the program for skilled workers who want to attain permanent residents' status based on their qualifications in the skilled trade. It is a particular immigration program that acknowledges the candidates who wish to become the permanent residents of this country. 

However, the applications depend mainly on the professional's worth to make a difference in the country's economy. That is why getting through the process might seem like a complicated task for many immigrants. But that is not the scenario when you have us by your side. We help you with all sorts of information about the application process.

Eligibility Criteria Required For Federal Skilled Trade Program

If you want to apply for the Federal Skilled Trade Program in Canada, you need to fulfill the following eligibility criteria:

  • Requires to have a minimum of two years of working experience as a full-time professional in a skilled trade
  • Carry out all the required job requirements related to the specific qualified business as per the norms of National Occupational Classification (NOC)
  • Have an employment letter with at least one following year or even certification of qualification concerning the specific skilled trade
  • The certificate must be issued by the territorial body or provincial body in Canada
  • You must meet the minimum language requirements in French or English that would include the skills required to read, write, listen and speak in that particular language

Along with this, you must be willing to live outside the Quebec province. That is because Quebec province offers provincial immigration to skilled professionals under a distinct category. So to avoid any confusion later, you need to check all these eligibility criteria before you apply for approval.